>>49851102>Why do you want to remove other ways in which people create challenges or have fun with the games?That challenge is still there for you to take, while being skippable for those that don't care. Everything in Pokemon is and always will be completely subjective to the individual. Pretending like other people having easier means you can't have a challenge, which is supposedly the whole point, is arguing in bad faith, or you being stupid. Or both.
You, as an individual, will always value the specimen you've devoted to infinitely more than anyone looking inward on your achievement. And in this particular context, exclusivity is completely besides the point and is also not applicable. It is objectively not the same as getting a Ribbon Master Pokemon, where you can make an argument about maintaining rairty for, because of exclusivity in the ribbons themselves.
>You might as well just allow people to paint their balls any colour because it’s just cosmetic at that point.Yeah, that's what Pokeballs are for a majority of people: cosmetic.