>>30925249"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up"~C.S. Lewis
You betray yourself, anon. Only kids care if something is "for babies". In a few years, after you've grown up, unless you become one of these unfortunate Bros who are stuck in College douche mode until they turn 30, (the real manchildren) you will understand.
If video games, excepting of course the standard shade of brown fps on your Xbox, which is to say, actual video games, are too much for you, a Disney film will suffice. Watching something like Mary Poppins or Peter Pan or Little Mermaid with fresh adult eyes is an entirely different experience than when you were young. Visit a Disney Park and marvel at the number of people there without children.
The fact that these things are capable of being enjoyed by children on one level, is not mutually exclusive to the fact that it can be suitably engaging and resonate with adults on a different level. In fact, demographic research on Mickey Mouse indicates that only ages 13-20 are low. Only the turbulent and cynical teenage years have no value for such things, and are quick to deem it "baby stuff".
Nintendo is the Disney of video games. Specifically speaking of Pokémon, it occupies that most coveted space of simple enough that a child can pick it up, yet complex and interesting enough that an adult can find value there as well.
Tl;Dr, OP is underage or dude-bro. I have much to say on this subject hence the wall of text response to obvious bait.