>>53512809In terms of raw user traffic:
Romhacking.netPokecommunity averages 2m visits a month, but the average visit is TWO MINUTES. Know what that traffic is? People forced to route through pokecommunity because that just happens to be a multi-decade home base for ROM hacking of Pokemon games. It's to the point where almost ALL active users per pokecommunities own metrics on their home page show they are present in threads in the romhack-related sections.
I would cheer pokecommunity on if they just shed the old structure and went whole hog into hacking as the site's backbone. They have coasted on being the central hub for so long, and they could implement a lot of modern web features (not social media integration or any cancer like that) to make the site better for hack creators and protect and promote them. As it is now, I have to dredge a significant amount of posts to get to info I want, and we are VERY reliant on the community to catalog decomp tutorials in community posts. This is a poor practice.
I just think we could use a stronger centralizing site, the equivalent to MERRICKU/Pedogarden dedicated to this interest.