>>56670202These threads give me life, please continue to post them OP
>>56664188>>56667654>You wake up in the afternoon to the sensation of warm breath softly blowing in your face>body in a comfortable tangled mess with your beloved>he's migrated in his sleep in a curled position to cradle your upper torso, like a giant cat>his belly is curled around your shoulders and supporting your head, while he nestles his muzzle between your petite breasts>instinctual protective sleeping arrangement>you look down at him>peacefully asleep husband, steady deep sighs of warmth that flutter your bangs>you lay there for what seems like hours, just admiring his serene sleeping face>eventually you reach out to touch him>his breath pauses and he cracks one eye open at you>always alert, ready to protect>you pet him and affectionately scratch behind his ear to assure him you're all right>he teases you with a tickling lick to your chin as if to say he can never be too careful>your baby has given you an increased appetite, and your stomach makes an embarrasing growl of hunger>his ear perks up as he looks at you expectantly>breakfast time>you both lazily get up to munch on the berries he picked during the morning>you lean on his huge fuzzy body, relishing the flavorful snack he provided for you>fall has arrived, it's getting colder. Need to stock up on storable foods for the winter>with you eating for two, he'll be gone out hunting and foraging for longer periods>you're sad because that means less time for cuddles and sex>he licks berry juice from your cheek and chuffs to let you know he'll always come back to you>you polish off most of the berries, still hungry>he gets up and gestures outside>sun past its apex, must be around 1-2pm>he gets on all fours and lowers down to let you ride>you slide on top, his warm fur radiating up through your behind and crotch like a comfy heating pad>you grab onto his fur as you two head out into the forest togetherCont. (1/?)