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Hark and lend me your ears:
The present situation in America and economically viable western countries will continue ad infinitum as the populations have been divided to such a degree to render the political mechanisms inert. These countries will effectively remain liberal and institute increasing quantities of superficially pluralistic policies that allow for the continued fracturing and thereby exploitation of the lower and middle classes by the political and economic elites (the new aristocracy). The populations of post-industrial, western countries will continue to grow in terms of GDP but this will only be indicative of wealth being perpetually funneled into the hands of the ultra rich. The revolutionary left, who would have previously violently revolted, will continuously be placated by the new aristocracy as the cede policy to them inconsequential quantities and the the center left, the modern right, remains naturally inert insofar as their peaceful existence is somewhat secured. Revolutionary action, a staple of the west post 18th century, will never occur as the system of capitalism creates enough wealth to generally placate the majority and the system of the western liberal democracy creates a tacit-but-omnipresent force in the would-be revolutionary classes that inhibits violent revolution insofar as alternative systems might delimit popular sovereignty (which no longer exists but remains a strong bias-creating force).
Counrties that presently aren't prosperous, such as Russia, Italy, Hungary, and Poland, and have been ignored by the post BW system will continue their descent into authoritarianism as China reclaims its position as the global hegemon.