-Pokemon Clover is: -
>FireRed hack>252 Fakemon, created by /vp/>Fairy type and Physical/Special split added>Some Gen 4/5 moves and abilities added>Trainers will be made more challenging and edited to use the new Pokemon>New region: Fochun, somewhat based on the Kanto model>TMs and HMs are the same>Uses MrDollSteak's decap/attack patch>Battle Facility where you can rematch people and buy rare items.-Maintained by Camerupt-
-Pokemon DubsClover is: -
>Essentials Game>A completely new region, the Inavia region>Some new characters, some old characters>Completely new plot>An additional set of 135 new Pokemon to go with the 252 from Clover>Challenging game-Maintained by Dexanon-
>Links:Fochun map:
https://data.archive.moe/board/vp/image/1427/22/1427220830452.pngInavia map:
http://i.imgur.com/aHVWpkj.pngGoogle Doc (contains lots of information):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DIWPeo3EaFguJlvKS-kz54ZJchIHnmmrpiPGmVsfAoY/edit#gid=0Wiki (NEEDS LOTS OF HELP):
http://pgenvp.wikia.com/Wiki Template:
Download Demo 1.1 here:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=36823599799684160472Please report any bugs, glitches, text errors, etc. on the thread here, with screenshots if you can please!
Come to the Pokemon Clover official IRC room:
Channel name: #PokemonClover, use kiwi IRC with default server setting please