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This was mentioned in an older thread and I thought I'd take a shot at it. The idea behind it is that Farfetch'd itself is based on an old Japanese saying "a duck comes bearing green onion" which basically means "something surprising but convenient." It comes from the fact that Japanese duck soup traditionally comes served with green onions (or leeks).
So the idea behind the card is that the card is powerful, but also provides some sort of benefit to your opponent just by being in play.
But as others have said, we really do need to stop churning out random cards and we need to have a more clear idea of what we want. Perhaps we should pick a particular Pokemon from the list and each of us could submit our ideas for that particular Pokemon and see where we go from there?
We also still need to work on Trainer cards. I had posted this list of a basic list of typical Item cards that we should include:
Super Potion
Poke Ball
Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Pokemon Catcher
Professor's Letter
Energy Retrieval
Crushing Hammer
Enhanced Hammer
Rare Candy
Super Scoop Up
We need to figure out where to go from there. And don't forget to submit your own Trainer card ideas too.