>>28834924To be fair, it seems more like gamefreak took the design of big island and either switched the direction of the rain shadow irl, or they were impressed enough by the pseudo deserts on the right side of the island, that they based the entire right side on them. Keep in mind that there are about 3 shield volcanoes, two of them, huge creating the rain shadow in real life. They seemed to have moved the volcano to a different island and replaced their mountain due to not wanting to many similar mountain levels. That said, the transitions are a bit more sudden due to the nature of the pseudo deserts. One is made up from the volcanic craters and the magma flows that wiped out chunks of rainforest, so it's rather suddenly very canyony and then flat. The acid rain deserts like devastation trail follow a similar pattern but with acid rain and stupidly good drainage. This doesn't allow most plants to efficiently take root in a sudden defined area.
That being said, it could just be lazy design and doesn't really represent the area transitions in game. Just saying that they could pull off relatively sudden changes.