>>37986609People only like Dawn because she wears a skirt and people like the porn of her. She's a stupid crybaby who's constantly losing despite being raised to be a contest champion. She loses to Jessie of Team Rocket multiple times for fuck sake. She has one of the worst, most annoying partner Pokemon in Piplup, basically the Pokemon version of Max, who only wins battles by spamming massive CG Whirlpool out of fucking nowhere attack. Her "no need to worry" catchphrase is grating, and even the anime itself constantly makes fun of how incompetent she is alongside the stuff like DD that points out she was made fun of as a kid as well for being low IQ. Dawn has like four fucking role models to lean on and is still a massive loser who can barely keep it together, and the only hint of her not being a lesbian is how they randomly threw in that she had a crush on Ash way the fuck into the series, probably just to fill for time, after adding Lyra to the group dynamic. Lyra egged Dawn on because Dawn has no guts compared to Serena and seemed to only have a crush on Ash in the first place because he was a boy she's traveling with hinting that Dawn is probably an easy slut as well.
Best? How about Dawn is easily the worst female traveling companion the show has seen. Her only redeeming factor is her design, and that's not even the best Pokemon has had.