>>48233394Listen up, fuckboy, here's the Master Mallowfag brining you the hottest grids right about bow.
The first grid is a Sun team grid. This one is tailored to go with Lyra and either Blaine or Ninetails. The gist of it is that you buff yourself twice with your trainer move, you confuse eveyrone and on the 3rd turn you unleash her Sync Nuke on the left sidemon to eat the turn. Since you use your personal buff twice Lyra doesn't need Critical Squad with Dire Hit. Ideally Lyra goes Light Screen - > Dire Hit > Sunny Side Up so you make the most out of the sun MP. Nintails should go Ember > Ember > Sunny Day >Trainer Move. On the 3rd turn you should kill the sidemon even if you don't crit as long as you turn off the physical barrier, so make sure you queue in a sunny side up before Mallow's Sync. This will give you 3 free turns to build more countdown. The second Sync should kilm the centermon and you can cleanly wipe the left sidemon by spamming Power Whip.
The Second grid is focused on using Mallow strictly as supoort to debuff attack and confuse everyone with stop hitting yourself to stall. Makes enabling C. Iris a breeze and anyone else using Power Posture or Pecking Order.
The third grid is a similar idea except a more straightforward beatdown with Power Whip. Great for shorter battles and someone else like Hop, Scyther, Hilbert or Surge is already bringing in the buffs and you just want to start attacking right away without bothering to debuff attack.
The last one is a Sync Nuke build based atound Pecking Order instead. Goes amazing with a 1-2/5 C. Iris orb a 1-2/5 Masked Royale, although if you have either of them 3/5 6EX she's better off using the second grid and supporing them instead as their sync nukes hit harder.
Note 1: the Critical Strike 1 node in the top right increases the Sync move power more than the +25 node below.
Note 2: its possible to get Power Posture and Solar Flare in a single grid, but it's difficult to build a team around it