>>32200414It's draw to 6 on top of all of the other draw power you get through supporters. If you can draw 4-5 with Shaymin on turn 1, play those cards before you Sycamore, then sycamore you can be over 30 cards into your deck on the first turn. It outclasses all other draw support pokemon atm because unlike Octillery it doesn't need to evolve and the threshold for Oranguru is too low for it to be useful for actually drawing for the most part, Oranguru is usually just protection against lategame hand disruption and allows for minor card count manipulations for decks that depend on them like Maxies/Archies.
Used to be even worse. Still don't know why TPCI never printed a $30-40 Shaymin-EX box to deflate the price and cash in before rotation. People claim that Shaymin drives pack sales but that's actually bullshit, all it does is drives pack sales away from other sets and towards ROS which is why they have to reprint that set and they have to get rid of extra FAC/EVO packs by selling them in box sets since most LGS have little interest in buying more boxes of those garbage sets at full price.