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I've just went back and replayed all of the definitive Pokemon games for their respective region. My opinion on this shit is fresh and basically fact.
>Leaf Green
Excellent replay value
Gen 1 Pokemon are truly timeless and I can have a team exclusively made up of them any time without it getting stale.
Great gym leaders, every single one of them are memorable although they are admittedly quite easy.
Kanto strikes a happy balance, it's neither amazing nor forgettable.
Blue is a great rival, one of the best for sure.
Difficulty is low.
Team Rocket are middle ground as far as evil teams go.
Music is dull.
>Soul Silver
Decent replay value.
Well designed Pokemon.
Gym leaders are a step up in terms of difficulty from Leaf Green but not as memorable.
Johto is a pretty bland region but has a certain comfyness to it as well
Silver is the best rival bar non. All future rivals are shit in comparison.
Decent replay value again.
Decent Pokemon designs
Once again, gym leaders are another step up in difficulty from the previous game.
Hoenn is a decent region held back by too much water I'm not even meming btw.
Pretty good rival still
Team Aqua & Magma are both retarded.
Poor replay value
Subpar Pokemon designs
Gym leaders are the most difficult in the series. Easily.
Sinnoh is a pretty good region.
Barry sucks ass
Team Galactic are great.
>Black 2
Good replay value if only for the challenge mode
Abomination tier Pokemon designs. Worst in the series easily.
Gym leaders range from being piss easy (regular mode) to just behind Platinum (challenge mode)
Unova is dull and devoid of any interesting landmarks
Hugh is forgettable and bland
Team Plasma are juvenile and I'd rate them as low as Team Flare.
Great music is the saving grace.