What's the OT of the Jolteon?
A lot of lvl100 perfect IV shinies you can get from GTS+WT+normal trades are hacks, but passable hacks with no illegal moves or anything. They'll still be displayed as having been met at a reasonable level and location.
Pic related. Suicune was from someone who admitted it was injected at lvl100 and generated recently. Luxray is from a known Twitch streamer who gives out passable but non-legit shinies.
Doesn't matter much though unless you're anal about stuff being legit. Pokebank has a move checker so as long as they don't have illegal moves they'll go through fine and be able to go to Sun/Moon and be used in online battles.
>>28098508>>28098684I got three shinies from WT before I discovered Twitch streamers who clone or inject lvl100 BR shinies and have bots distribute them in WT. In the past two weeks I've traded off a couple WT-obtained shinies only for them to then give me a few more shinies for literally nothing just because they clone-hack and had extras they didn't want. So, no, it's completely possible and not bait.