>reasonI think it genuinely looks cool, and has some personal meaning for me
>mental stateKind of shit. I got into an accident month ago, and I had to tell my bf that because I needed to recover I wouldn't be talking as much. He misinterpreted it as not interested in him anymore, and I had to say many times it's not that.
We're on good terms atm, but last month made me realize that I really was unhappy with him for a while now. All he really has done lately is be passive and call me cute all the time, and has been using games as a stressor. He expects me to be more "talkative", but what else is there to say if he doesn't want to talk anything more than cutesy shit and unfunny videos?
I guess this is what's affecting my mental state most. I feel like I'm obliged to talk to him daily, even though I'd rather be fixing other problems in my life. We don't live together, so the only thing really stopping me from ending things with him is myself.>>46998010Drawing's that hobby you should enjoy doing first before you start visiting /ic/, otherwise studying won't feel as rewarding. It's okay if someone takes longer to get better at something; everyone has their own pace. If you feel more comfortable drawing digitally, that matters more when you're starting off with drawing. Other things can wait until you feel ready.
Have you taken on any requests on the drawthreads before? It's good practice imo