>>41677888But then what is the issue? The dex cut? They did that in g3 when they nix'd all of RBY and GSC. Rectified later with new games, so you could acess older mons, sure. Is it the graphics? Pokemon, always has and always will be a cartoon based game. Asking them to make the pokemon more detailed or showing fur/scales is fine. But what the article keeps pushing is how shitty the modles look. Again, yes, clearly they were ripped straight from SuMo. But aside from removing the outline and choppy edges for them being on the 3ds, the real issue is they claimed to have made the models from scratch; which was a clear lie (excluding the new g8 pokes ofc). But the models of already existing pokemon look alright, for the most part. Too many pokemon get away with have flat faces rather with a moving texture, rather than modelling actual features. I don't wanna give them more credit than they deserve, the game is short, the new mons, lacking (only 80 new mons). But I will fight anyone who thinks XY or SuMo are better games. This is the best 3d pokemon game in the last 3 generations (including itself). Again, not a huge milestone when considering what it's being compared to.