Post your favorite Pokémon, why it’s your favorite, and how your mental state is currently.
The original thread: thread is meant to be a comfortable place to discuss how life is doing with people who share a common interest, that being Pokémon. Genuine attempts to uplift those who are in rough spots are encouraged, as well as offering advice. Of course, you can also talk about your favorite Pokémon to take your mind off things that are bothering you.
>Are you the original Audino anon?No, I was merely a poster on the original thread. I am carrying the torch in the hopes that the thread’s legacy lives on. Audino anon, if you’re there, I’m grateful.
>What will you do after this thread gets archived?I do not plan on making more of these in the future, and I encourage others to wait a while before making another thread. Having these on too consistent of a basis is probably not healthy, and it’s not likely that anons’ lives will change much in such a short time period.
>Is this the best place to talk about my mental state?Most likely not. If your mental state is really bad, you should seek professional help. There are also be other places on the internet to vent, such as the Happy Place on Pokémon Showdown.
I hope those from the previous thread are able to report improvements in their lives, and I wish you all the best. And remember, your favorite Pokémon would love you back if it were real.