>>44144659Overall, it would be a tough choice between Shaymin and Bidoof.
As a kid, at my Granny's house, she had this patch of pink flowers in a field beside her house. One time, me and my little brother swore we say a Shaymin somewhere in that patch. We were convinced Pokémon were real and that Shaymin lived somewhere near our Granny's house. We spent a lot of time looking for her.
As for Bidoof, we had a beaver toy that we named Bidoof. It was actually my brother's, but we shared it pretty much. We slept in the same bed when we were younger, and sometimes we'd wake up and he'd be on one of the shelves in our house. We were convinced he was alive. Turns out, mom was moving him to make us think that. It's obvious now, but we didn't know it at the time.
Also, I just remembered that we found some rocks that we thought looked like fossils from Pokémon. We raised those things for forever.
By the way, this was the only pic I could find with Shaymin and Bidoof.
Also, before anyone asks, no, I'm not underage. Pokémon Diamond came out in 2006. We got Pokémon Diamond on Christmas 2008, and I was 8 at the time. I'm 20 now. Gen IV is pretty old now.
Good times.