I'm looking for someone who has experience writing an Encyclopedia Dramatica article. ^.^
I'm sure you've all heard of the aspie fantard DISNEYFAN-01? Well there is a DisneyFan-01 clone sad and disgusting to say...She goes by the all original name of fantreasureplanetljs...O++O
She prefers a morbidly obese alien to real men as can be seen in the picture and is an all around fantart. <.<
She has been known to trace her art and consider it as just the imaginary untouchable "reference use." Don't be fooled by the animal art in her gallery too-- the stuff that doesn't look so good? Yeah...she didn't use much of a "reference" for it xD
OK so ED writers! I tried to start an article but the formatting is over my head :( You can find it by googling Hideousshitfinder. ;)
http://fantreasureplanetljs.deviantart.com/ Feel free to spam this fantart's account and show her how she traced by using those amazing redlines :) Getting an account there is easy and free, and you can make up to 3 accounts per email address.