Quoted By:
>Here's your ticket
>Hit the floor and kick it
nO sYeNSe StAYiN' iN a Ch'Yah, NO!
>Music pumping
>Now the joint is jumping
slYDiN' An' gLIDin' t'Roo tHe AaAAaAaaaAAyAh
nOwS ThE tOiMe fER sHAkIN'
FEr tURniN' rOun' An' wAKiN'
da SlEEpY 'eAd thAt's iN yA bED
da fAn iS Fo' dA TAKin'
FaGet aBOuT DA SnOOza's
'cAUse SnOOzaN's fO' Da lOssa's
SiNCe EvEryTin' iS LooKin' uP
LeT's PaRTy DOoooOnW!