>>49013070Me and my big mouth. Over the course of a day I've had a near team wipe. After losing Staraptor, I spend a while grinding Riolu / Lucario up because it's such a good ice-type counter.
I Managed to get Candice down to 2 'mon before the rookie got crit Woodhammered into the dust. Then I made a fatal mistake. I switched into Gastrodon thinking that they could tank a 2x shot while I healed my Luxray all the while forgetting that Gastrodon was Water AND Ground. It got x4 OHKO-ed.
I've reached the point at which I inevitably fuck up and have to scramble a new team. I have a box full of possible pokemon (all I can get until after the Distortion World) but no idea on how to put a team together. My current plan is to add snover and try to get an espeon out of eevee.
>>49013924I've been doing them in order so that I don't have to forget things like that. While I haven't played any modded pre-gen 4, surely they add things like that to them as QOL updates?