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I'm back here to trade leftovers and to free up box space. 4 IVs are free, 5 for 5, standard fare. The 5 IVs are assumed to be ideal spread (but does include extraneous stats like SpA on Sableye and Att on Careful Carbink).
Cleffa's egg moves came out wonky since level up in Day-Care led to a constant shuffling of egg moves with level up moves that also pass as egg moves. They should have at least two of the three listed moves.
In particular, I'm looking for a male Eevee with Wish/Curse/Yawn/Stored Power, for which I'll trade any 5 IV mon.
Ctrl+F list:
Inkay, Marill, Froakie, Klefki, Larvitar, Corphish, Skrelp, Pumpkaboo, Roselia, Gligar, Venipede, Bunnelby, Carbink, Sableye, Drilbur, Zubat, Vullaby, Tangela, Cleffa, Happy Hour.