>>38310186I hope you find your goal of Unconsequenced Oblivion, because from my viewpoint, you will find only Immense Regret for a few couple of thousand of years.
Regret and Shame because you embraced Hopelessness in the face of Unconsequence, rather than choosing to live without Consequence.
You would've done very well with Satanism, you could've become a God among Men. But sadly, you would choose Hopelessness, Despair of Oblivion instead of fighting back against it.
If you are dead, then farewell to worthless flesh.
If you are still alive, you are a hypocrite. Stand up and take what you want, take what is yours. There is no Consequence for your Actions. Look at the world in front of you and take what you desire. Survey, take, conquer. Use your power of Freedom in the face of Oblivion, or remain in Eternal Regret that you didn't.