Quoted By:
>Le Pokemon fights are legal cockfighting!
>Ha ha Oak forgot grandson name! It's "le Peepee!'
>DAE Pokemon faint but no die? When lit on fire? UNREALISTIC! Ha ha!
>New gen not creative amirite?
>Ha ha mundane thing is pokemon!
>Ten year old captured LE GOD!
>LE GOD can be in le Pokeball?!?
>Ten year old go on le journey alone and le die/molested ha ha! IRRESPONSIBLE PARENT!
>Mom is having le sex when le player out
>BIDOOF can faint le god?!?!?!?!?
>Le Ditto can mate with anyting! BUT TRAINERS NO KNOW HOW LE SEX WORKS? :X
>Le criminals no use le weapons? WHY NOT SHOOT LE KID WHO WALKS UP TO THEM?!?
>{Gen3 sprites}
>{Gen1 trainer battle theme}
>{Calls Red "Ash"}