Azure Bay.
A mostly undocumented part of Kalos that rarely attracts any tourists, but instead specialists and explorers who are interested in charting the place. It's extremely big, and there's no way to maneuver the place without a Pokemon who can use HM Surf.
Fortunately, Gogoat can do just that.
"I'm really sorry to wrap yeh all into this. I'm a man of 'm word, I told yeh you were going to pet goats, and now look, I'm wrapping yeh sprouts all up in this little misadventure. Meh sincerest apologies, sprouts."
"Oh no, please don't feel bad about it. We go through things like this much more often than you think. It's become rather typical for us nowadays."
"Yeah, Serena's right, Ramos. We don't mind if we have to drop out all the petting to help you out, isn't that right Alice?"
Alice rubs her face in your chest, sniffling and sobbing somewhat, "Y-Yeah....O-Okay...~"
Ramos keeps his grip on Gogoat's horns tight to let him know just how worried he is for the little sheep in big trouble. "Chatot" sits perched on the goat's horn, cawing lowly.