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Littlemon team #11 to beat Alpha Sapphire E4 + Champ
>from Sidney until Champions
>level cap, no bag items, usual restrictions, every fight must be deathless
>Scyther edition (or so I thought)
Since Scyther has 500 base total stats, I wanted to create a team around it with sub 300 stats Pokemon. I'm kinda confused. This was the easiest team to win the game, I did it like in one sitting. And it wasn't all Scyther. Surprisingly Purrloin was a hero of the team, too. Electrike and Wurmple are honorary members, since they helped me in the early game. I don't have much to say about this team except it was great. It just happened so fast and easy.
>Purrloin Charms Scrafty
>Scyther switches in and sweeps
>Purrloin with Lum Berry & Unburden leads
>a couple of Hone Claws, Banette Toxics, Purr gets Speed boost when losing berry
>kills Mismag, Chandelure, Dusk
>Helioptile kills Drifblim
>Scyther kills Mega Sableye
>Electrike kills Obamasnow
>Makuhita & Purrloin kill Froslass
>Purr Charms polar bear
>Scyther comes in and sets up and kills the rest
>Scyther leads, sets up, sweeps, lol
This was a weird ass strategy that I made up at the final moment. Rain Dance Electric team strat.
>Electrike with Damp Rock sets up Rain, kills Skarmory, then Volt Switches when Aggron comes in
>Makuhita kills Aggron
>Dry Skin Helioptile comes in and kills Carbink with Surf
>Claydol comes in, Purrloin sets up and sweeps the rest of Steven's team
All time kill list:
17: Scyther
15: Munchlax
11-13 Pancham, Shellos, Doduo, Torchic, Staryu, Wailmer, Torchic, Slugma