>>51687535haha yea.
You are legit correct though, I hate the modern world so fucking much bros.
I wonder what happened? Is globalism to blame? Or did the quality and capacity of people just get worse? milennials don't seem to produce the same quality of stuff previous generations did. But the older folks are all hacks now too. Maybe its all the wireless electromagnetic frequencies subtley making us boring or "soulless". I am guilty of this too, I used to draw so many unique things but now I don't create anything.
Maybe, time is a giant wheel and we are headed towards a dark age. Maybe we are in one right now and we may live to see an end? Whatever the case, you are a friend to me because you're seeing and experiencing the same shit.
I will say I'm guilty of fawning over 90s aesthetics. It sucks when a company manipulates me to drain my wallet but when an artist wants to do a re-imagining like the OP posted I tend to enjoy it. Old water color style or whatve you call the 90s cartoon film grain+saturation and soul