>>55715384Oh you meant Articuno, picked Stats Debuff parameter.
I have saved lot of skill gears for Hoenn that pretty much cover lot of stuff, from physical to special attack or sync damage to damage reduction in WTZ and surprised I also had Hail attack and sync damage reducing gear saved, then I also have gear with offensive buffs for syncs like paralysis or confusion etc.
>Norman preset skills are:Defense Crush 2
Sharp Entry 1
Vigilance (switchable for status/interference immunities, stat drop inmunities or Wise Entry 2 sometimes depending on stage gimmicks)
>Noland preset skills:Defense Crush 2 (stacks with grid DC2, is the key of many battles with Staggering)
Critical Strike 2
Versatile third slot for special occasions, can be Vigilance or some immunity or Wise Entry 2
>V Noland preset skills:Mad Strength 2
Critical Strike 2
Defense Crush 2
All of them are useful depending on battles, usually I go with MS2 most of time, the rest is Norman with 2 mainly used grids, Noland mostly with a utility stun and crush build that can also work as side dps sometimes, V Noland mostly uses 2 sets, Max Sync with all the possible multipliers and Buddy X Scissor focused one that is slightly more used, his kit is great with everything it offers.
Then add in the shared theme skill buffs too.