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For context:
I've actually had in my head a concept for some spacebattlers (funny word I've picked here). Its about that other UB can fuse with people, other than Nihilego, corrupting ppl into destructive super-bosses, with their inner insecurities, maybe wishes and etc out. Most fusions should look pretty stable, like in synergy (Iono and Xurkitree, I kinda scrapped this version because she looks too much like adult Iono)
Its something more of a game concept... I wish to be a better coder.
Tweny in this form was made too, but only in a form of a vert rough sketch and besides that I can't decide who can serve as a better fusion. Either Pheromosa or Naganadel. Blacephalon is a good candidate, but I want this form to look like a Undyne The Undying to justify the name TRUE HERO, so no clowns this time
Iono's name here is SHOCKER STAR
Maybe I'll include it into further writting as "season 11"