>>21095515had to re-battle Brandon as a double battle a bit later on in the second fire-themed cave of the game. It was actually quite good and had level 80 chandelures, rhyperiors and magmortars knocking around, as well as drought ninetales and talonflames on the outer grassy area that led up to a level 55 terrakion. again, didn't fight him.
back to brandon, all of his regis had Rest with a lum berry, and I have no idea what ability Regigigas has here because it's not Slow Start and it's not Clear Body.
interesting, the random mons I caught in routes turned out very useful. Maracactus or w/e it's called was able to leech seed everything to keep itself nearly unkillable while grass knotting all the slow bastards, and Talonflame had both brave bird and flare blitz at the 72 I caught it, and was able to blitzkreig the Regice my main two otherwise have a lot of problems with.