>>32709506>Idk how i cant manage more than 50 free space less 40 evolvable mons. Not counting legendary Pokemon, there are 113 fully evolved Pokemon as of Gen 2. Six of them are regional exclusive (Tauros, Corsola, Heracross, Mr. Mime, Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan), and two of them aren't in the game yet (Smeargle, Delibird), so you should have, at the very most, 108 different species.
Outside of the big eight (Blissey, Snorlax, Tyranitar, Dragonite, Rhydon, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Exeggutor), you should NEVER have more than three of any fully evolved Pokemon (and even that is pushing it). You don't ever need more than one of the absolute worst shitmon like Wobbuffet, Ledian, and Shuckle. But let's assume you do. That's 324 Pokemon. With no storage upgrades, already you're pushing yourself way over what you'll ever need. Counting NFEs (which you should never have more than one of, period, unless you're some gender-difference autist), that brings you to a total of, give or take, 412 Pokemon. More if you go for gender differences and Unown.
Man the fuck up and start transferring, bitch.