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>You'll need to have a pokemon of either equal level, (exact), with a super effective type match (we haven't had any success with anything but) and a load of dive balls/repeat balls. Pokeballs SOMEtimes work but it's not 100% like the other two.
>Before going into battle save your game, now, go into the battle and use whatever method you have of statusing the opponent's pokemon. Throw a Dive/Repeat ball and then immediately yank the cart out. None of these glitches have worked with digital copies for obvious reasons.
>You may be thinking, '' but how will it save? '' Somehow, for some reason, the diveball or repeatball (sometimes pokeball) data gets caught and we're not sure why but everytime the game is reloaded the pokemon is IN the pokeball.
>If there's no room on the team then a message will be played, '' -pokemon was transferred to..'' and the Trainer can't be battled again. They'll say whatever they do if you beat them. You will NOT get any money from the Trainer, just the pokemon.
So does it work?