I told all of you.
ALL of you.
Every single one of you dirty ape-kin cum drinking slutfucks that the newest game to be released would be Mystery Dungeon.
I said this months ago and even released it with proof that was denied by all of you as 'suspect' and 'not real.'
So tell me now
Tell me right fucking now
Who is your motherfucking daddy, /vp/?
That's right.
It's /v/
And we fucking own you. I own you.
You're welcome for the handmedowns.
Btw: We will release information concerning the dynamics, details, and development concerning your faggot game.
You're welcome, fuckballs.
Oh and the 'hackers' like Kaphotics, Bond, that other faggot whose name I forget but posts on here all the time trying to peddle his hotshitness..
They are worthless and don't give credit where it's due. Yeah. Anyway..
I'm out for now.
No later than the 28th of May.
www.a-kon.comAt this Anime Convention Nintendo is hosting a panel with information pertaining to the upcoming Pokemon Franchise game AND is giving out pokemon (past events).
They will be revealing a small 10sec if that trailer if you can even call it that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.