Quoted By:
>List all of your starters for main series game.
Squirtle, Totodile, Treecko, Chimchar, Snivy
> X, Y or both ?
Buying both, giving X to gf keeping Y for me.
>Boy or Grill ?
>Which starter will you pick ?
>Do you think Sycamore is a bad guy ? why ?
No, is this a thing?
>Favorite Gen 6 pokemon ?
>Most hated Gen 6 pokemon ?
>Opinion on Mega-Evolution.
Cool but I want a drawback besides the hold item.
>What new Mega-Evolution do you want to see ?
> In your opinion, what appearances will Froakie, Fennekin and Chespin's final stages will have ?
I'm fond of thief, knight, mage but I want boxer, pangolin, anythingbutanearbeard