Please let this fit.
>>43163924Now I've got to apologise and say your dream's Allister mechanic is fucking fantastic and it's going to be hard for me to not copy it in some way. I already have an OC who's stuck in a child form because he wore out his powers, who appears as an adult again in dreamscapes or when you know things are serious (I even named my Litten after him, even though he was a sort of tusked bull satyr with a big tail?). It's such a hype trope to have an adult form as a rare treat or trump card. But I guess if Allister is a majuu you could go all out on some kind of midgety sprite species. Make him a church grim, haha.
>furry content
Sparkledogs were like the thing kids who grew up on Lion King and Lady and the Tramp's rerelease did without knowing what furry was. It's a strange niche now I think about it but it was all because "humans are hard to draw, waah", meanwhile animal dog of no real species could be fifty colours and have a tramp stamp to make it UNIQUE and YOURS. I used to just start fights over the skill requirements on popular ones, but I was same with smaller boards' advanced splits, probably because I could lord it over other kids. I don't even remember the names of the sites. We had like fifty umbreon posters with names like Silver though.
Last year I tried putting together one of those dancing gif pages with a midi and discovered midi don't play in browsers any more. I had to record my precious midi to mp3 and use that instead. The host died not long after I finished, but I really loved putting all that shit together. It has a special charm to it. ;__;>>43172445Just a normal day in Skyrim.
>>43174485This Raihan looks like a startled cat.
>>43174677I didn't know I needed this until now. Also, if it hasn't been done can I make a request? The old Guzma offering a seat to an old lady meme can now be realised in stunning high definition.