>>45773892This is why no one take you seriously because every point you make you sound like a retarded misinformed speed watcher .Who have to ignore the important aspect in order to make your point valid. Xy have beautiul story telling and do the build up properly, the series have direction.
Development Serena goal and character. She got hurt and embarrass in her two performance and the series really drive it home how devastating it is. I went back to check the old /padt/ and even they were shock at how Serena got treated for her failure. And then she start picking herseft back up to win herseft the princess key. The fact that you refer to that as
>while turning all the character into robotsshow how misinformed you are
>>45773990Which make this statement hillarious when Lilies scare of pokemon character arc keep getting repeat after it already resolve episode before because they have to shill her and haven't think of a direction to take her character. We see cleary what sun and moon story lack and Xy have direction and build up