My pre-Fantina line-up! Lucked my way into a Gible encounter at Wayward Cave (nearly lost a couple teammates to the little bastard's Dragon Rage while I threw Poke Balls at it, too), got a great Nature (and a very much not-so-great Ability) for the Bronzor from Mt. Coronet, and an Eevee that has a Thunderstone in its future, because FUCK Crasher Wake and Cyrus's Gyaradoses.
I just realized that all of Mt. Coronet is ONE encounter. If Sinnoh wasn't otherwise replete with encounters, I'd be a little salty.
>>45962350It's unavoidable insofar as the problem WILL occur and there's no mod for it. It's fixable in that you can get ahead of the blackout with a quick save/reset. I've run HGSS on emulator a ton. A little bothersome on occasion, but perfectly playable.