>>28722728I've been coming here since 2007, so I think I could consider myself and oldfag by this point. This site was shit and it's always been shit, and I'd even say it's gotten worse is some ways over the years. But, at the same time, out of all the sites I've ever been to, and communities I've been a part of, this was the one that I've always come back to. Horrible as it can be, I've seen plenty of humanity bleed through the callousness of it all. I think the anonymity brings out a certain sense of honesty and genuineness that's missing from most sites. For all the ugliness it brings forth, it also brings forth a lot of sincere positive emotions. It disturbs me to think that some day, and some day soon, anonymity will be gone completely and the concept will probably go down reviled by the majority of internet users from now until forever. But I'm glad I got to be here to enjoy it while it lasted and shit post with all of you.
Sorry for the rambling but I'm having a bad case of the feels with all this talk of deletion. I can't find any comfy Pokemon pics in my unorganized disaster of a picture folder but have this comfy picture of Japan. pretend it's Sprout Tower or something.