>>26971975>>26973674>>26974503I can't inject, but I can create pokemon from scratch using QR codes and modify existing pokemon using powersaves. There are a lot of people asking for things in this thread and I don't have enough time to help them all. If you want me to generate or modify a pokemon for you, fill this out.
>Friend code: >Tell me about yourself: >If you want me to modify one of your existing pokemon, tell me what it is you want me to modify. I can't change names, abilities, or moves, but everything else is fine, such as giving it perfect IVs, making it shiny, etc: If you want me to generate a pokemon for you, find the pokemon you want on this site:
http://pokemonqrcode.com/generation-6/goodraand fill out the form correctly (like its Met Level, Met Date, etc), then generate a QR code and post the QR code here, along with the greentext info above.
If you mess up on any part of the form, I won't be able to trade the generated pokemon to you. If you're feeling lazy and skip filling out the Met Location because you don't want to look a valid one up, for example, I guarantee the generated pokemon won't be tradeable.
Part of this process involves knowing your secret ID. Here's a guide to figure yours out:
https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonQRCodes/comments/2x4zju/online_tidsid_exchanger/I'm getting some sleep, so if this thread is still alive in the morning, I'll check for replies