>>36783532>Verge"Did not predict EVERYONE IS BACK"ben>Verge"Did not predict Daisy"ben>Verge"Did not predict Richter"ben>Verge"Did not predict Chrom"benAbsence of proof=/=proof of absence
>Verge"DK will get no new rep"benFake stuff he didn't even leak on his own and was just part of a private conversation.
>Verge"Isabelle will be an echo fighter"benOnly one source said that and even then, most people couldn't tell the difference either when she was announced.
>Verge"Steve will be revealed during Minecon"ben Fake image with no real link or source.
>Verge"The music theory is legitimate and rela"ben>Verge"Wait no it's not legitimate and real anyway"ben>Verge"The box theory is legitimate and real"benNo source on this shit either.
Fuck off back to Lycanroc thread in Smashboards.