>>12072845My point of view is not absolute, but it is trying to expose the hipocresy of the RNG user claiming that the method in question is not cheating.
I give them that it is not hacking, but that doesnt remove that they are as guilty and bad as us, but in a masochist way, overworking it instead of just jumping right into the mess.
More plausible example. Kids are doing an exam. Online, all tests have different questions. And the teacher who checks it at the end is different too.
Kid A just doesnt care.
Kid B uses books, physical calculators and asks for help from his friends in a social network.
Both print out their exam and deliver it that afternoon. Teachers just grade it, Kid A gets a C, Kid B gets an A, rest of the class gets A- and less, except the nerd guy who gets A too.
Everyone knows the nerdy guy and he was preparing for the test since long ago. Kid A just hacks into the system and changes it to A. The grades were given individually. Their peers know both A and B and they know they shouldnt have gotten an A.
They also know they cheated, one in a straightforward way and the other going around it, but in the end, the same result was obtained.
Just noticed i type too much