>>13195947>>13196145>>13196369Alright listen up
I'm back to make y'all pack up
I guess none of you have balls
To take on one of these pathetic walls
Your defenses so high, your attack so low
You got some nerve to steal this show
The Formidable otter's here
Even your shell's gon' hide in fear
You're weak to water and a stagnant lake
Defeatin' you's gonna be a piece of cake
Your moveset doesn't have any hint of grass
You don't have tricks to kick my ass
I don't see lightning in any of your moves
Looks like my victory is once again smooov
Have some mighty dose of my Aqua Tail
You're speed so slow you can't even bail
I ain't gonna lose to this hungry mold
Anyone can beat you no matter how they're old
So get outta here now, you've just been told!