OP here. since i love almost every pokemon you’d all get perfect ratings from me so i’ll just make comments
Here’s a fire red hall of fame team from a playthrough i did with my friends.
>>40941454i just remembered it being boring and slow but i’m having fun and breeding through.
>>40941411Starting really strong for a dubs pick my mons team. normally people give out shitmons. good luck. I’m gonna go suggest Skitty
>>40941543Cool team, i never had a problem with using event legendaries, i think they’re cool. Is that Minccino skill link by the way?
>>40941616>Linoone and Octillerybased. I love using subpar pokemon to the end. When they surprise you they REALLY surprise you.
>>40941877>Hypnofunny as hell, especially in gen 1. Great team overall anon, love the electrode.