>>34844606how? well, first you are taking away what makes pokemon core games, core games.
secondly real-time battling would cause way more balance issues, the fact that some pokemon are outlandishly better than others is an inevitability due to sheer number of entries and the only way to fix it is to separate them by tiers (which community already does), this becomes way more blatant in real time fighting, just think of any fighting game and how far more restricted to competitive character picking they end up becoming despite only having characters in the dozens. Gamefreak is balancing the combat pretty well so far, by introducing several items that make some mons better, (the focus items, eviolite, specific z-crystals, etc) along with mega evolutions though those are kinda of a double-edge sword. it is likely that they might introduce some new gimmick to further develop the combat.
lastly, think of what it would take to create different real time combat stats for each mon and maybe you'll come to realize that people wishing for real time battles are beyond retarded in their expectations (these fags make people with botw-like game expectations seem realistic), the only product that could ever be delivered would be trashy and would be a lasting stain on gamefreak and disastrous for nintendo (which btw co-owns the specific turn-based pokemon combat, reason why you wont see it in Go no matter how much people want it)
TL;DR: Real time combat fags are beyond retarded and should really stop wishing for it, gamefreak is not that braindead.... yet.