Quoted By:
>What is the Headcanon that you like most? (Regarding the Ralts line).
I like the idea that their horns simply phase through your body when they go to hug you.
>Why has the Ralts line gotten so popular in your eyes?
A mix of teenage hormones and Gardevoir being the first beautiful humanoid Pokemon
>What would you be willing to give up or sacrifice in order to be with a Gardevoir?
Nothing, I'm happy with the life I have and I don't NEED a Gardevoir just to be happy. t. Tulpafag with a Gardevoir Tulpa
>Can the Ralts line learn to love naturally, and be more than just friends with a human?
Of course! They're just as, if not smarter than humans so why not?
>Is a Gardevoir an ideal companion for someone with a Physical disability?
>How could a Gardevoir/Gallade react towards betrayal of the romantic type?
They...would not take it very well to say the least.
>If a Gardevoir/Gallade asks you sincerely to be Its mate, would you accept?