Now that we're talking about region design. Alola has to be the best conceptually thought region so far. Stuff such as the general culture of the island, the concept of the island trials, the general tropical feel, the lore with the Tapus and UBs, even the design of the islander npcs. The pokemon integrate well too, they all have decent dex entries that explain how they relate to the environment. Such as the explanation for the variation of each alolan form, or the entries for mareanie and yungoos.
But they shat the bed so hard with the road and dungeon design that all of the above means nothing and made the game unfun. I'd go back to grid system if it means not having that kind of designs again.
>>37536620Which reminds me, all of the team leader remixes they used for rainbow rocket in USUM were dog shit. Though looking back on it maybe they did share thematic similarities?
>>37536624Solaceon ruins too