>>54840105>>54840185If you have any doubts at all (and honestly even if you don't) just message the seller. Ask specific questions like, "is there scratching on the holofoil?" or "is there chipping on the back?" If the seller says "no," but you receive the card and it's all fucked up, you can typically message the seller (or if they tell you to fuck off, escalate to ebay) and get a partial or complete refund while keeping the item.
I've got so many free or heavily discounted cards from deceptive sellers it's unreal.
But honestly, it's not even worth the hassle anymore. Just buy graded and crack the card out if you're not into graded cards. That's what I've been doing to complete my vintage binder collections. Raw """near mint""" set cards seem to sell for around the price of 8s or even 9s if you're patient, so you're pretty well always better off just buying graded.