>>39248212Lastly I want to address the reason why all of the protesting began. The removal of the National Dex and the removal of being able to have all Pokémon in the game, a staple of the series.
During the E3 Treehouse presentation, the reasons for the decision was because of the following two issues:
- Balancing issues
- The huge workload and the inability to create high quality animations when all Pokémon are present
I would like to address the second. When the jump to 3D was made in the series, Creatures, a part of TPC, made and future proofed ALL Pokémon models and animations for battle and Pokémon Amie up to Generation 6 for Game Freak. This was expanded on for Generation 7 while also making walking and running animations for ALL Pokémon, which found little to no use in the games.
With this .webm file that I am providing, I have proof that they are using the models and animations created by creatures, as I believe they should. Meaning most of the work in that regard has already been done.
There is no excuse that they cannot bring other Pokémon back because of the models or animations. We still have no full list of other "high quality animations" that need to be done for every single Pokémon and whether they would be done by Creatures again, or Game Freak themselves. There's also still the notorious animation for moves such as Double Kick that could have been improved upon for Sword and Shield, but they have not.
Pokémon Home, an application and paid service that allows you to transfer all your Pokémon from previous titles, does not release until Spring of 2020. There would be enough time to create a patch or make continuous patches to put in the cut Pokémon, just like Level5 will do for Yo-kai Watch 4.
Your honor, and everyone else, Game Freak has shown time and time again that they put less and less effort into their games.
Is it wrong with all this evidence, that the fan base thinks of Game Freak to be lazy developers and dislike Sword and Shield?