well, it's done. red was swept by a probably over-leveled team but whatev. here's how it went down
>pikachupikachu missed with it's first iron tail which allowed hank to set up stealth rock. i'm lucky it missed, because i for some reason thought ground resisted steel and didn't think hank would take much damage, but the second iron tail landed and knocked him below half health. luckily one earthquake took out pikachu
>laprasanderson took advantage of stealth rock causing lapras some entry damage. a mach punch knocked lapras below half, who responded with a blizzard that didn't do much considering hitmonchan's surprisingly high spdef. close combat finished lapras off
>charizardtricky stones knocked charizard to half lol. larissa knocked it out with one brine
>venusaurfrenzy plant didn't do much, which allowed maverick to set up a swagger. venusaur recharged during an aerial ace, then hurt itself to allow the second aerial ace to knock it out
>blastoisejupiter's light screen/captivate combo made blastoise's blizzards do barely anything, even in hail. a couple grass knots took it down.
>snorlaxkiki cheesed snorlax with some attract luck, allowing it to pull off a focus punch and almost knocking it out. hail did the rest.
bootleg soul silver is done. this was my first real run not using any starters, i might pick that up again for another emerald or leaf green run.
>>43326099sandslash was super money in my hg run
>>43325160god damn god damn