Decided on 45 replies a day. This is a bit much, but it's needed to catch up.
>>57360444Truly, a regal appearance.
>>57360451In their pajamas? I guess I'd do weird things too if I were hungry at 2 AM.
>>57360457Heh, how cute. I hope Jirachi has granted them eternal happiness!
>>57360465Is... is that a pot full of coffee beans? Guess that explains the Pokemon choices ,heheh.
>>57360471So close, and yet so far...
>>57360479Yeah, Umbreon's about 60 pounds. A pound and a half per inch of pure dark-type coolness!
>>57360480Heheh, confused Flareon is amusing.
>>57360483Ooh, wow. I wonder what those effects are called. They're really cool though! I like how it looks like Eevee's just baskin' in the coolness.
>>57360510Oh shit, guess I know what OP's gonna be.
Or I can be beaten to the punch by an hour and 30 minutes.