Hey guys, your least favorite bag of mental illness here again. Sorry to ruin the mood.
I'm extending my leave until January 24th, which was the date that I THOUGHT I unveiled Alex until I found out that it was actually on January 31st (although the original concept post was made on January 22nd).
The panic attacks and gagging have subsided, but I'm still dealing with a decreased interest in eating (in addition to hunger paradoxically also feeling worse) and losing even more sleep than usual. If you don't know what that's about, you don't need to know, and it's better if you don't know about it. I plan to have new writing
with a brand new OC by then. If I don't have it done by Friday, my leave will continue until it's finished. If I somehow finish before Friday, I may re-enter early.
>>57249626Stockpiling aside, would you say that Gfuel is overall helpful with your life? I have similar struggles with mental health and being/feeling overworked (aka being "burned out"). How often do you drink it? Is it a good value?
This next part was planned to be included in a post that I would be uploading whenever this thread gets to page 8-10 just to get some final things off of my chest, but common sense dictates that I should post it now in case the thread gets archived before I wake up tomorrow morning (something which I'd take as a sign from the cosmos, since I feel like sometimes I should just not say anything now). The post that follows after this one (posted on page 6-7) is NOT the post in question, as it is a different subject entirely. It would be the post after.
Editor (assuming that's who I was speaking to last thread) I'm sorry for bothering you. The "failure" comment was dumb enough but it was even more stupid and useless of me to drag that out into a fruitless argument especially when you helped me out a lot with the writing of one of my fanfics and are also one of the most harmless people in the thread.